HJC Helmets IS-MAX BT Anthracite 3X-Large
You looking to find the "HJC Helmets IS-MAX BT Anthracite 3X-Large" Good news! You can purchase HJC Helmets IS-MAX BT Anthracite 3X-Large with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Meets or Exceeds DOT Standards
- Bluetooth Ready
- Smoke-Tinted SunShield
- Quickslide Shield System
- Anti-Fog Shield
Product Description
HJC Helmets IS-MAX BT Anthracite 3X-LargeHJC Helmets IS-MAX BT Anthracite 3X-Large Review
The IS-MAx BT is the third HJC helmet I have in my garage and although solid, by far the least favorite of the bunch. I bought this helmet specifically for the bluetooth functionality that comes via the separately purchasable Chatterbox XBI2-H bluetooth system. From the Chatterbox site:"The XBi2-H allows you to communicate between 3 riders in full duplex via CDMA Bluetooth� technology up to 500 meters (1,640 ft.) in optimum conditions. With the XBi2-H installed in the IS-MAX BT helmet, riders can stream audio from any source equipped with Bluetooth A2DP such as mobile phones, MP3 players, GPS devices and radar detectors."
The set-up of the BT and the overall operation is quite good. Well documented from Chatterbox and a painless install. Operation of the controls are intuitive. However, I still struggle to get enough clear sound out of them to use while riding. Talking while stopped is fine and certainly a convenience compared to taking one;s helmet off and having to fish your phone out but my hope was to have to option for both music and some talking while riding (please hold safety concern comments aside for the moment).
The issues with the helmet for me are one, that it is quite a loud helmet and this affects the usefulness of the bluetooth system and two, the lid locking mechanism feels very shaky. I find that going from "open face" to fully closed requires quite a bit of effort. The face does not easily lock into place and requires two hands to firmly set in.
Overall, everything in this system works but when you combine the cost of the IS-MAX BT with the Chatterbox BY system you are spending higher-end money for what feels like a very average helmet and a good, but over-taxed bluetooth system. I am a fan of HJC helmets as they represent very good value and some of my issues with the IS-MAX are due to it's being a modular/open-face helmet, but I still would like to see a better helmet matched witht he Chatterbox system.
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